Helping those who are dealing with issues of addiction and at risk or are diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.
Our mission is to provide hope and healing for individuals.
For more information or to enroll in this program please contact our team:
- Case Management
- Philosophy
Substance Use Disorder Case Management:
Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Case Management program at SunServe is intended to provide linkage to substance abuse and mental health related services. The program targets individuals who are at risk or diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and substance use or co-occurring disorders for case management services; the goal of this program is linkage to substance abuse and or mental health services, as well as any other identified service needs (e.g. housing, medical care, benefits application, etc.). By developing a working affiance with clients, case management program aims for clients to complete substance use treatment, attain/maintain stable housing, reduce corrective involvement in the legal system, and attain/maintain employment.
We provide person centered, high quality, compassionate and progressive care for all, including those in financial need, minorities, youth, seniors, families and those with life-changing or emotional conditions. We do not turn anyone away because of inability to pay for services.