Our Life Skills Group is offered in 6 week workshops throughout the year!
Want to give back to the commUNITY? Want to mentor younger kids? Get connected to other young adult ACTivists in the community! Talk about ways to make things better?!?
A portion of this group will be talking and connecting with another part being educational. We will be teaching valuable skills so that members can be paired with and mentor younger LGBTQ youth. You will learn skills such as motivational interviewing, peer counseling, active listening and strengths based conversation. We will go over topics such as how to find a job, safer sex, healthy relationships, how to buy a car, reviewing apartment leases, how to get credit, conflict resolution, meditation and relaxation skills, how to apply for scholarships for school and more!!
Generally, the youth groups are relaxed and open spaces where we talk about different topics and where everyone’s opinion is heard and accepted. SunServe Youth Groups are a great way to talk to other youth, make friends, and get involved in your community. If anything, you will learn you are not alone!
To get more information call 954-764-5150 and ask for the youth department.
Connect with us through social media!!!