Noble A. McArtor Senior Day Center
- Qualifying Criteria
- Hours of Operation
- Location & Contact Information
- History
- Senior Care Management
- EHEAP Information
- SilverServe Luncheon - 2nd Friday of Every Month!
- Must be at least 60 years of age
- Must have a dementia diagnosis OR need assistance with 2 ADLs
- Client must be continent
- Must be free of communicable disease
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
1480 SW 9th Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
Phone: 954.764.5055
Fax: 954.764.5155
Contact Person: Lisa Peters, Program Director
For more information, or to schedule a tour of the Center, please call 954.764.5055
or send us a message.
Broward County has become home to America’s largest gay and lesbian community. Within this community are a growing number of seniors who are in need of assistance with some daily activities that many take for granted. These seniors may spend much of their time alone, without family or caregivers to accompany or care for them. Others may have caregivers who need to work in the daytime, or who just need time to take care of their personal business. In the LGBT community, many seniors in need of daytime or respite care have no option but to attend day care programs that are not open to and understanding of the special relationships and needs of gay and lesbian seniors. The Noble A. McArtor Center was founded by an extraordinary team of individuals whose vision created a safe, open and home-like atmosphere for all seniors and their caregivers to enjoy, regardless, and supportive of any sexual orientation or identification, race, age, gender, religion or economic level.
In this unique environment, client and caregiver needs can be openly and frankly discussed and shared. The Center is committed to creating opportunities for social interaction, sharing, mutual support, education and a fun, warm atmosphere, where all clients are respected by caring staff who work with our clients to develop and maintain their independence and their sense of self-worth and dignity. Our program also focuses on the needs, concerns, and well being of the Caregiver; to provide support, learning and relief to these people who devote themselves to the care of their loved ones.
The Center is housed on the campus of the Sunshine Cathedral, just South of Davie Blvd. in Fort Lauderdale, and is focused on the needs of the elderly and frail seniors in our community. An incredible team of dedicated and experienced professional staff operates the Center, maintaining a ratio of at least one staff to every six clients. The center will serve up to 32 clients per day, and is well equipped and staffed to accommodate diverse client needs. The Staff includes a Registered Nurse (RN), Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), Certified Nurses Assistants (CNAs), Social Worker, Activities Coordinator, Senior Aides, and other Volunteers.
After nearly 2 years of construction, preparation and furnishing, the Noble A. McArtor Adult Day Care finally opened our doors for service on February 19, 2004. The Center continues to enjoy an ever growing and diverse clientele and is eagerly seeking new seniors to join our program.
With Federal, State and local funding through the Federal Older Americans Act, the Florida Department of Elder Affairs, the Area Agency on Aging, the City of Fort Lauderdale, local matching funds, corporate contributions, community grants, and generous individual donations. Fee for Service is available for those who do not qualify. We are able to provide day care to any senior wishing to attend our program. No eligible senior will be turned away, regardless of ability to contribute to the cost of our services.
Our new Senior Care Management program is currently being developed to provide full services linkage to LGBTQ proficient medical, social, financial, beahvioral health, benfits assistance, housing and emplyment resources. If there is a senior here in the LGBTQ community in need, our new Director of Senior Services, Lisa Peters, is waiting for your call!
Now accepting Senior Care Management clients!
Lisa Peters
Director of Senior Services
954.764.5150 x103
send a message
Hagen Park Community Center
2020 Wilton Dr., Wilton Manors, Fl 33305
Free Self Parking: Parking Lot behind City Hall